Cat Staggs é uma ilustradora e artista que trabalha para a DC Comics ilustrando as capas para Smallville e Vampire Diaries. Mas esse artigo aqui está aqui para mostrar seu trabalho de ilustração para Guerra nas Estrelas.
Cat is currently working as an artist for DC comics, illustrating the covers and interiors for the Smallville Season 11 series and The Vampire Diaries. As well as the interiors on the Phantom Lady mini series. Her work is also featured in Womanthology (IDW) on a story written by Barbara Kesel and the book Star TrekFederation:The First 150 Years. Recently, she designed one of the most popular t-shirts for Ashely Eckstien’s Her Universe, Star Wars clothing line and is currently working on new designs.
A Arte de Cat Staggs para Guerra nas Estrelas
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