Conheci o trabalho de ilustração da Christine Fleming na aula de ilustrações geométricas que ela dá no Skillshare. Gostei do estilo infantil e cheio de cores pastéis das ilustrações dela e sabia que tinha que publicar algo aqui.
É lá no sul do Texas que Christine Fleming trabalha desenhando coisas que ela não entende e tudo começou depois de estudar design gráfico na North Carolina State University. Hoje em dia, suas ilustrações são voltadas para o mercado editorial infantil e você vai ver como ela faz isso muito bem nas imagens abaixo.
I’m Christine Fleming, an illustrator and writer working out of Southeast Texas. I graduated from North Carolina State University with a BFA in Graphic Design. I am now currently illustrating in the editorial world focusing on the science and children’s markets, as well as writing and illustrating my own picture books.
My work has appeared in parenting magazines, literary zines, science blogs, educational workbooks, personal commissions, and even a tattoo! I am also an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), and was awarded the honor of SCBWI Illustrator of the Month after attending the SCBWI National Conference in New York, and my blog has been chosen as an SCBWI homepage Featured Blog.