Para a semana de design de Viena, o designer suiço Nicolas Le Moigne criou uma série de anéis que incorporam espelhos com a finalidade de manipular a imagem do diamante.
Criados em parceira com a tradicional joalheria vienense A.E. Köchert, os espelhos de cada anél foram pensados para aumentar ou multiplicar a jóia, a fim de causar uma alteração na percepção do valor da mesma.
Nicolas Le Moigne (CH) in collaboration with A.E.Köchert VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Passionswege
The former imperial and royal jewellers A.E.Köchert have been creating exquisite jewellery for almost 200 years. For the Swiss designer Nicolas Le Moigne, Köchert’s products are the ultimate in prestige and luxury. His goal was to combine its historical opulence with a contemporary and affordable (!) idea. The designer takes the stage on Hoher Markt with the outrageous slogan ‘buy 1, get 1 free’, or even better, ‘buy 1, get 10, 100, etc., free’. Lemoigne uses mirrors to multiply the precious objects, ironically exaggerating luxury to the extremes of decadence, simultaneously tickling the blissful fancy of the consumer in getting more for his or her money.
Each ring is limited to 8 pieces