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monte roraima - suas aventuras e lendas

Monte Roraima

monte roraima - suas aventuras e lendas

A lenda do Monte Roraima surgiu na tribo dos índios Macuxi, que ali habitavam. Conta que antigamente não havia nenhuma elevação naquelas terras. Muitas tribos indígenas viviam naquela área plana e fértil onde a caça, a pesca e outros frutos eram abundantes.

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A Arte na Era do Aquecimento Global

  • Arte

In my work this romantic ideal of union with the natural world conflicts with our contemporary impact on the environment. These pieces are in part responses to environmental stressors including climate change, toxic pollution, and gm crops. They also borrow from myth, art history, figures of speech and other cultural touchstones. In some pieces aspects of the human figure stand-in for ourselves and act out sometimes harrowing, sometimes humorous transformations which illustrate our current relationship with the natural world.

Leia mais »A Arte na Era do Aquecimento Global