Em sua série Impermanência, Impermanence em inglês, o fotógrafo e microbiologista Seung-Hwan Oh resolveu usar de fungos em seus filmes. Fungos que ele mesmo cultivou, preciso dizer aqui.
Através desse processo um pouco peculiar, os microorganismos vão lentamente devorando o filme e criando um resultado final bem abstrato e que me lembrou muito o glitch digital.
The visual result of the symbiosis between film matter and organic matter is the conceptual origin of this body of work. The process involves the cultivation of emulsion consuming microbes on a visual environment created through portraits and a physical environment composed of developed film immersed in water. As the microbes consume light-sensitive chemical over the course of months or years, the silver halides destabilize, obfuscating the legibility of foreground, background, and scale. This creates an aesthetic of entangled creation and destruction that inevitably is ephemeral, and results in complete disintegration of the film so that it can only be delicately digitized before it is consumed.
Organic Glitch: Seung-Hwan OH e sua Impermanência
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