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Transformando super heróis em mosaicos geométricos com Eric Dufresne

Quando me deparei com as interpretações de heróis da Marvel e da DC Comics pelo ilustrador Eric Dufresne, o que eu mais gostei foi a forma com a qual os desenhos acabam parecendo mosaicos digitais ultra coloridos. A forma com a qual ele consegue transformar desenhos complexos em linhas retas e simples é o que mais me causou inveja.
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Mike Rigby

Thanks for dropping by to see my very small corner of the internet, I’m a British Creative Director currently living and working in Sydney. I began my career at The Chase – one of the UK’s most creatively awarded design consultancies, leaving 4 years later to travel extensively. I have since worked at Pentagram London, True North and Landor Australia. I still carry The Chase principles of ‘a great idea, well crafted’ into every new project I begin today. Simplicity above all else – communication not decoration. I have produced award winning branding projects for clients including The Tate Gallery, The National Portrait Gallery and News Ltd amoungst others.

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