Non Format ou Drake, qual layout veio primeiro?previousHouse of CardsnextWe have decided not to die Related Posts Simplicidade ousada: explorando o trabalho de ilustração de Gianmarco Magnani Kohei Omori: O artista hiper-realista que captura a beleza em objetos cotidianos Messymod: Design minimalista com impacto máximo 1 thought on “Non Format ou Drake” Felipe Tofani 21/02/2009 at 13:29 recebi um mail da non-format falando o seguinte“Hi FelipeThanks for writing to us, for your kind words, and for the link to the Drake album image.You are right, that it looks like something we have produced (The Economist advertising) but this image for the Drake album was not produced by us.It’s clearly a copy of our work, and we thank you very much for bringing it to our attention.Very best wishes to you, Jon & Kjell” Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name * Email * Website Comment * ΔThis site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.Tags:cópialayoutsplágioTipografia
Felipe Tofani 21/02/2009 at 13:29 recebi um mail da non-format falando o seguinte“Hi FelipeThanks for writing to us, for your kind words, and for the link to the Drake album image.You are right, that it looks like something we have produced (The Economist advertising) but this image for the Drake album was not produced by us.It’s clearly a copy of our work, and we thank you very much for bringing it to our attention.Very best wishes to you, Jon & Kjell”
recebi um mail da non-format falando o seguinte
“Hi Felipe
Thanks for writing to us, for your kind words, and for the link to the Drake album image.
You are right, that it looks like something we have produced (The Economist advertising) but this image for the Drake album was not produced by us.
It’s clearly a copy of our work, and we thank you very much for bringing it to our attention.
Very best wishes to you,
Jon & Kjell”